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Get answers to common questions below.

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frequently asked questions

JetPro Pilots staffs virtually all makes & models of business jets.  This includes Gulfstream, Bombardier (Challenger, Global Express, Lear), Falcon, Citation Embraer, and more. Learn more about the aircraft we crew here.

Yes.  Many of our pilots are typed and current in multiple aircraft.  In addition, we can easily add new pilots to our roster based on our client’s needs.

They are spread out across the United States. Use our interactive map here.

Yes, many do.  Many of our crew members have experience traveling across North America and across the globe.

Yes.  JetPro Pilots carries a robust Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy which includes premises liability, operations liability, and non-owned liability.  JetPro Pilots also carries a workers’ compensation (WC) policy, which covers all of JetPro Pilots’s crew members (both full time and part time).  Our insurance coverage is designed to work in conjunction with the insurance coverage that our clients already have in place to offer a very conservative and comprehensive overall solution. Learn more about our insurance coverage here.

Yes.  We have thousands of pilots in our network, and the connections around the industry to find more on your particular aircraft. If needed, our JetPro Recruit™ service allows you to find strong candidates and your next employee. Click here to learn more about JetPro Recruit™.

Rates are negotiable.  Pilots assigned to large cabin aircraft are typically paid more than pilots crewing smaller cabin aircraft.  Rates can also fluctuate depending on cost of living in various areas around the United States.  We generally follow industry rates, but also recognize that each on-demand crewing situation is different, so we are flexible in our approach to pricing.  We always strive for a win-win-win for the pilot, for JetPro, and for our clients.

Our experience in the industry is that crew members that spend time traveling to get into position to fly are generally paid their normal daily rate, and this includes stand-by days while crew are on a trip and away from home.  So, our default position is that “Yes, these are paid days.”  However, exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis, as needed.

JetPro Pilots handles the payroll taxes for all federal and state required taxes, both withholding from the employees paychecks as needed. JetPro crew members are 100% W2 employees, so JetPro Pilots also pays the employer portion of the FICA payroll taxes.

No.  As JetPro Pilots employees, we become the employer of record.  JetPro Pilots sends a W2 to all its employees at the end of the year.

Crew members are generally asked to pay for their own trip expenses, then JetPro Pilots reimburses them, and these are passed along to the client with full transparency (and no markup).  This is an important element to maintain the proper employee-employer-client relationship.  JetPro Pilots pays our on-demand crews quickly.  Wages & expense reimbursements are processed on a weekly basis.

JetPro Pilots’s crew members use our exclusive TripTrac™ expense reporting mobile app, designed specifically for business aviation.  TripTrac™ uses the smartphone’s camera to snap pictures of receipts and transmit everything electronically.  No fax machines. No scanners.  No hassle.  TripTrac™ also send an  electronic version of the full expense report back to the employee for their personal records, complete with trip summary information and photos of their receipts. Learn more about our TripTrac™ expense reporting mobile app.

For most clients, we invoice for each trip generally within a few business days after the crew submits their expense reports.  This allows our clients to quickly get these invoices into their accounting systems and/or pass along expenses to their customers as needed.   Our TripTrac™ software not only generates the expense reports for our crew members, but it is also used internally to generate the invoices for our clients.  With the same detail as shown on the expense reports, our invoices are thorough and audit-friendly.

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